Divendres 26 abril 2024

Divendres 26 abril 2024


Coordination of the RIPVG ( 2016-2018) / ACTION PLAN 2016


Coordination of the International Network of journalists with a gender vision (RIPVG)
( 2016-2018) / PLAN OF ACTION 2016 -2018

Montserrat Minobis (Catalonia, Spain)
Miriam Bobadilla (Argentina)
Rosa María Rodriguez Quintanilla ( México)
Elena Crespo (Bolivia)
Randa Aschmawi (London- Egypt)
Jenny Rongreen (Sweden)

Commission of Attention to Denunciations of violence to women journalists
Silvina Molina (Argentina)
Silvia Mejia (Mexico)

Yunuhen Rangel (México)
Nuria Cornet (Catalonia, Spain)

Commission on Migrants and Refugees
Amada Santos (Catalonia, Spain)
Other members of the Mediterranean Network to be defined

Commission of Relations with International organizations
Liliana Hendel
Alicia Oliver

Commission of Evaluation of good and bad practices in journalistic companies for quality stamps emission
Lola Fernandez
Zuliana Laines
Sonia Santoro

Comissión of Comunicación
The 6 of collegiate Coordinatiors of the RIPVG
Fabiola Llanos (Spain)
Anabel Rocha (Canarias Island-Spain)

International Prize to the career in journalism with vision of gender, to be delivered in the framework of each meeting of the Network

International Prize to trajectory on defense of the human rights of women

Tribute to journalists who have gone on tour (??)

Brazil, will host the VII Meeting of the International Network of journalists with a gender vision in 2018.


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Tona Gusi

Tona Gusi

Fundadora i Co-coordinadora de La Independent. També és psicòloga menció en Psicologia d'Intervenció Clínica i menció en Psicologia del Treball i les Organitzacions.

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