Sunday 30 June 2024

Sunday 30 June 2024


International. GENEVA: “Women, power and change” AMMPE-2018 Congress goals / La Independent / Notícies gènere

London will host the XXIII World Congress of AMMPE in collaboration with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and GAMAG EUROPA, the regional chapter of the Global Media and Gender Alliance (GAMAG), to discuss on the issues around “Woman, Power and Change”. The International Network of Women Journalists and Communicators of Catalonia – International Network of Journalists with a Gender Vision (XIDPIC.CAT-XIPVG) will also participate as member of GAMAG EUROPA.
Veronica Birga, Julia Eugenia Martínez and Teresa Carreras in a moment of their meeting in Geneva @Vanessa Gorczyca

This event is planned for autumn 2018 and will be held in collaboration with the University College of London, BBC and Google. The Congress’ last edition also lasted three days. The first day will focus on research on gender equality and the application of their analysis to the journalistic profession. Many efforts must be done regarding this issue; many universities in Europe and in the world offer gender studies, but very few bring the results back to the profession. In the afternoon of this first day GAMAG EUROPA will present two panels. On the second day of the congress, participants will have the chance to visit the BBC headquarters and they will be able to know its department “Women in news” first hand, while the third day they will visit Google’s headquarters in the British capital.

A meeting held at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva with the Gender Officer of the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights, Veronica Birga, on April 24, 2017, has confirmed their interest in supporting the AMMPE-2018 Congress, where one of the issues to be displayed will be the violation of the women’s rights in many states of the world as well as sexist violence. Next year will also be the centenary of British women’s voting rights so the AMMPE-2018 Congress will analyze empowerment of women in British society a century after achieving the right to vote.

At the last Congress held November 2016, it was decided to hold the next edition in Europe. The president of that edition, was the Chilean, Julia Eugenia Martínez, who gave the alternative to the new president for the 2018 edition, Sarah Gibson of the BBC, Teresa Carreras from GAMAG EUROPA and the Chilean journalist and writer, Patricia Mayorga, who is a correspondent for the newspaper El Mercurio in Rome for many years, were voted as vice-presidents. The title of last Congress was “Journalism Transparency and Democracy”.

AMMPE is the World Association of Women Journalists and Writers that was founded in Mexico in 1969 by the Mexican writer and journalist, Gloria Salas de Calderon. Since its creation, 37 countries have met every two years, always in a different partner country. In every congress, an International Committee is created to organize in the country where the Congress is appointed to be in two years’ time. Last was organized in Santiago de Chile, from 23 to 26the November and next year’s one is scheduled for the first week of November 2018 in London.




 l’any passat. I el pròxim està previst que es faci a Londres la primera setmana de novembre del 2018.


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Picture of Teresa Carreras

Teresa Carreras

Periodista, activista i feminista. Secretaria de la XIDPIC.CAT-XIPVG. Coordinadora de GAMAG Europa, expresidenta APEC. Corresponsal setmanari El SIGLO, Ha treballat a RTVE.

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