miércoles 03 julio 2024

miércoles 03 julio 2024




The VI International Meeting of the International Network of Journalists with Gender Perspective held in Barcelona on 15, 16 and 17 abril 2016, with the presence of 157 journalists from 27 countries from 4 continents, issues the following pronouncement:

We report the discrimination and violence that suffer the journalists and communicators in the world. We claim for a non-stereotyped portrayal of women in the informative content, giving a voice to women and reflecting all its diversity.

In the view of the non-complience of the paragraph J from Beijing Agreements, we request the creation of feminist programs on defense of women rights on the media, especially publics, as well as the effective patronage to those who exist and arise.
Such is the case of the of public televisión program in Colombia “Neither queens or Cinderellas”, broadcast after the change of government in Bogota
In view of the stereotyped, discriminatory and racist treatment of the image and reality of the diversity of indigenous women and migrants, we express the commitment of a transforming political alliance with women organizations, in order to work and remove symbolisms, language, imaginary and scenarios that devalue, reject and debase the contribution, history, reality and struggle of indigenous women.
We show our rejection to the wars that force the displacement of the persons who look for refuge and we claim the borders opening, since emigrating is a recognized human right.

Exigimos una mayor cobertura informativa de la situación de las mujeres refugiadas que las muestre como protagonistas y visibilice las violencias a las que se ven sometidas. La casi nula comunicación de las Instituciones Europeas sobre la situación de las refugiadas significa una información sesgada.

We demand a major informative coverage of the situation of the refugee women that should show them as protagonists and visibilice the violence to which they are subjected. The almost non-existent communication from the European Institutions on the situation of refugee women, means biased information.

We denounce the increase of the cybernetic intimidation and the threats that often suffer women journalists, for the simple fact of being women in the exercise of the profession

We appeal to the media and communication companies to take action against the information of sexist and patriarchal patterns. We also demand the revision or creation of a style manual that strengthened information and communication with a gender perspective and about women rights.

To promote through the network a “seal of quality of gender” addressed to the media companies and press departments and communication of public institutions.
We claim the fulfillment of the International legal instruments to the service of the rights of the women, like the agreement of Istanbul, the UN Resolution 1325 or the J chapter of the Beijing Platform for Action

International network of journalists with a gender vision
Barcelona 17 April 2016


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Picture of Tona Gusi

Tona Gusi

Fundadora i Co-coordinadora de La Independent. També és psicòloga menció en Psicologia d'Intervenció Clínica i menció en Psicologia del Treball i les Organitzacions.

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