Wednesday 17 July 2024

Wednesday 17 July 2024


GAMAG EUROPE (GE) support to women and girls in Afghanistan.



GE brings together journalists, judges and academics, three groups completely linked in their fight for feminism, for the human rights of women and girls with democracy.


The defense of freedom of expression, journalism, the protection of university autonomy, the researchers, – two groups in ge- and the judges who represent the rule of law (IAWJ) come together for the first blow to work together for the democracy before the Afghan Islamic political government, of fundamentalist ideology, which has come to power in Afghanistan since last August 15.

They are three groups completely linked in their fight for feminism, for the human rights of women and girls and democracy. Given the lack of human rights imposed by the Taliban on the Afghan population, especially women and girls, GE organizes a webinar in which you are all invited to participate through the link that you will find right here, to continue looking for solutions and ways to help the civilian population of that country.

GE through the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) sponsors three professionals so that they and their families can leave the country. The International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) are helping their colleagues and their families who must remain in hiding from the Taliban violence to leave the country or to survive.
Also the academics, members of GE, who form the Scholars at Risk (SAR) network and work in the Inspireurope programs, which support the Investigators at Risk, have come together in wanting to help women and girls who have not been able to leave Kabul and who They cannot go to school or university and have a dignified personal and professional life.






                                                GAMAG.Webinar.21OCT2021Poster.w panelists
















Top-level speakers

If you participate, you will be able to listen and direct questions to Farida Nekzad, before August 15 she was the director of the Center for the Protection of Afghan Women Journalists (CPAWJ), to Aimée Vega, President of GAMAG, to Jeremy Dear, IFJ Deputy Secretary General, Anisa Dhanji, judge and member of the Committee to Help Afghan Magistrates and Joel Hanisek, Policy & Program Manager, SAR, Europe. Shabir Ahamad, an Afghan refugee who was able to flee with the first contingent to be chartered by Spain and who currently lives in Monflorite, Huesca, will also answer questions.

This is an act to add energy from the various groups that intend to help Afghan women and girls to think about a future that respects their human rights as individuals and as professionals. “La Independent” of the Xarxa Internacional de Periodistes y Comunicadores amb Visió de Gènere (XIDPIC.CAT-XIPVG) participates in the organization and dissemination of the event as members of GE.



 The registration link 



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Picture of Teresa Carreras

Teresa Carreras

Periodista, activista i feminista. Secretaria de la XIDPIC.CAT-XIPVG. Coordinadora de GAMAG Europa, expresidenta APEC. Corresponsal setmanari El SIGLO, Ha treballat a RTVE.

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