Monday 01 July 2024

Monday 01 July 2024


The same political and economic problems


Elena B  Brusselles


The GAMAG Europe conference that was held in Brussels June 28- 29 & where gathered the women -journalists from many countries (Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Russia, Poland & so on) demonstrated once again quite obviously that we have much more in common, that it can seem.


GAMAG logo



We face the same problems as political so economic ones, regardless the place of our residence. We all want to live in the happier & prosperous society, where there’re more justice & social guarantees than we have now.

Yes, there ‘re many journalists writingabout it. But women-journalists, being not only the professionals but mothers & wives as well ‘re able to understand these problems deeper as they plan the family budget & must plan the incomes &wastes. And the women feel better than anyone the growing economic crisis. As workers they’re more vulnerable than man as get less salaries for the same work& women are often under strike risking to lose the work any moment. So they have to fight fortheir rights. Wemust combineour efforts in this struggle.

Besides, in Brussels we discussed the problems of violence, the local conflicts in different regions, including Donbass. The situation in the present world is far from being normal & it’s our task to do our best for improving it.

In spite the differences we have the main aim- to cooperate for of mutual understanding, for better conditions & life standards.



Elena B 1 Brusselles 

Sheryl D.Miller5


In spite the differences we have the main aim- to cooperate for of mutual understanding, for better conditions & life standards.




Elena B  grup



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Tona Gusi

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