Tuesday 14 January 2025

Tuesday 14 January 2025

La Independent

Assaig performance col·lectiva del 8M

“I després de l’acció per Sant Violentí, el 8 de març!


Activitats 8 de març 2020

Les Corts8 de març Una vintena d’activitats a les Corts per celebrar el 8M Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora Del 2 al 30 de març, al districte s’organitzen més d’una vintena activitats entorn a la figura de la dona....

Marxa: Vine a descolonitzar la Ruta de #Diverses8M

#VineADescolonitzarLaRuta#8M 8.30 hs #FerrocarrilesSarrià. #ActivistaDescolonialFeminista#Antirracista#Antifeixista posa #Presencia i #VeuActiva en la ruta. Sense fronteres fisiques ni mentals. #Diverses8M de totes les arrels i origens MARXEM!


International: The RIPVG denounces the violence to Xile against women journalists / La Independent / Notícies gènere

The International Network of Journalists with a Gender Vision (RIPVG) expresses its concern about the alarming increase in violence against journalists. (Read manifest). @ Colegio de Periodistas de Chile


Catalunya: És l’hora del Codesenvolupament / La Independent / Notícies gènere

There are no translations available. La Taula Catalana de Codesenvolupament és una iniciativa de segon nivell que neix amb la voluntat de ser un espai permanent per articular i fer propostes des d’aquest model de cooperació, on les persones […]


Un any més …

There are no translations available. OPINIÓ Com cada any, ja des de fa uns quants, el 25 de novembre, hem tornat a commemorar el Dia Internacional per a l’Eliminació de la Violència contra les Dones.


Cataluña: colaborar con el SPC “Por un periodismo digno”

El Sindicato de Periodistas de Cataluña (SPC) ha puesto en marcha la campaña de micromecenazgo “Sumate a la luchsde l’SPC per un periodisme digne’, amb la qual es vol impulsar diverses iniciatives per dignificar el periodisme.


Euskadi: ‘Día Internacional contra la Violencia hacia las Mujeres 25N 2018″

BILBAO: Actos previstos con motivo del ‘Día Internacional contra la Violencia hacia las MujeresLos diferentes municipios y localidades de Bizkaia celebran el 25 de noviembre, día de la violencia de género, con diversos actos para expresar […]


Catalonia: 150 influential and prestigious thinkers make a Press Release on the Public statement on the situation in Catalonia / La Independent / Notícies gènere

This public declaration is a response to the repressive measures taken by the Spanish government in order to prevent the celebration of a referendum on the independence of Catalonia on October 1. The aggressive measures already taken and/or announced have...

International. GENEVA: “Women, power and change” AMMPE-2018 Congress goals / La Independent / Notícies gènere

London will host the XXIII World Congress of AMMPE in collaboration with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and GAMAG EUROPA, the regional chapter of the Global Media and Gender Alliance (GAMAG), to discuss on the issues around “Woman, Power and...

Xile. Les ferides es tancarien amb més participació femenina en el procés constitucional

There are no translations available. La Independent va entrevistar a Maria Eugenia Hirmas, sociòloga que ha dedicat tota la seva vida a lluitar per la igualtat de gènere especialment en temps difícils de la dictadura d’ Augusto Pinochet.


Mahnaz Rahma: “We suffer ups and downs in the struggle for gender equality in Pakistan”

La Independent interviewed Mahnaz Rahman. She is Director of Aurat Foundation, (Pakistan), committed foundation that promotes democratic values and gender equity.


Diàleg feminista sobre el Referèndum i la República

There are no translations available. Carme Porta i Abad i Itziar González i Virós. Fotografia d’Àngels Pujol Aquest 28 de març s’ha celebrat a Ca la Dona el Vermut Diàleg feminista sobre el referèndum i la […]


El Nobel de la pau i les dones, trencant estereotips

There are no translations available. El passat 3 de novembre Juan Manuel Santos, Premi Nobel de la Pau, va ser el convidat especial de la Reina d’Anglaterra. Una visita àmpliament publicitada pels mitjans de comunicació, d’aquí i d’allà, […]


10 Years without Anna Politkovskaya

OPINION Anna Politkovskaya was not the first journalist killed in Russia after the end of USSR. For the day of her assassination in Moscow October 7, 2006, death list of Glasnost Defense Foundation consisted from 211 names.


The GAMAG group convened to define an action strategy

On September 5th, the media professionals, researchers and civil society members created working groups, via Skype, to promote an international network for gender equality in the media.


The same political and economic problems

OPINION The GAMAG Europe conference that was held in Brussels June 28- 29 & where gathered the women -journalists from many countries (Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Russia, Poland & so on) demonstrated once again quite obviously that we have much...

Les dones com a protagonistes al món digital

There are no translations available. El passat 28 de juny un grup de dones periodistes provinents de diversos països europeus, vàries de La Independent, i participants a la xarxa GAMAG Europe, vam tenir la ocasió de ser rebudes […]


Journalism with a gender perspective in Catalonia: The voice of the Women from the Arab revolutions

We thought it will be useful make an exercise of meta-analysis from our articles published in The Independent about the Women of the Arab revolutions. In the first place we pretend to show the women we had made visible...

The thematic agenda of the media: Women in the Mediterranean region

Media Studies El Watan and El Khabar (Algeria); Al-Ahram and Al Dostur (Egypt); Le Monde and Le Figaro (France); La Repubblica and Il Corriere della Sera (Italy); As Sabah and Al Massae (Morocco); El Pais and ABC (Spain); […]


The Image of Women in the Moroccan Media

Intissar Rachdi (left). Foto Lídia Vilalta “The Image of Women in the Moroccan Media in the Run-up to and During Local and Regional Elections 2015” – is a study prepared by the Media Diversity Institute (MDI). It proves how...

Journalism, communication and discrimination: beyond the complaint

Lola F. Palenzuela a la dreta a costat de Abir Fekih. Foto Lídia Vilalta We are aware and is unavoidable recognize that there has been an unquestionable progress over recent decades in journalism with a gender perspective. However, […]


The refugee crisis and the representation of women in the Media

Sissy Vovou (in the middle with white shirt). Foto Lídia Vilalta From October of 2015, more than 50% of refugees were women (some in pregnancy) and children, many of those children accompanied by mothers mainly. One could think that family...

Violence against women refugees

Abir Fekih In a conservative society like Syria, it would be evident that women are the most desired by such traffickers being; It attracts them more for being a woman who does not have any family that […]


How is to be a refugee: a short summary in few lines

Rawan Al bash, a la dreta. Foto Lídia Vilalta My name is Rawan Al bash, I am Palestinian Syrian, my father is a Palestinian refugee was forced to leave his own country with his family when he was […]


Women and the Arab uprisings: 5 years on

The situation of women today, in many parts of the Arab world is even worse, than it was before the 2011 uprisings. In countries like Syria, Iraq or Yemen, women’s lives have deteriorated… More than ever before, we […]


Progress and setbacks of journalism with a gender perspective and the situation of women journalists and communicators

In the Southern Mediterranean, positive trends for gender equality in and through the media, which had grown over the years and blossomed during the Arab Spring, sharply reversed, with the political situation deteriorating


8 de Març de 2016: En la diversitat i contra el patriarcat

There are no translations available. “Visca, Visca, Visca, La Lluita Feminista” Totes en la diversitat. Juntes contra el patriarcat i el capital!! és un dels lemes que més han emprat les feministes de Barcelona en el document […]


La Independent us desitja unes Bones Festes i Bon 2016!

Carme Porta Abad

#27S Violeta

There are no translations available. OPINIÓ El passat 11 de setembre l’avinguda Meridiana era plena de gent. Gent que somreia, que es reunia amb amistats, família… una diada festiva i reivindicativa, totalment cívica. Que no va tenir problemes de […]


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