The European chapter of the global GAMAG Alliance calls for a transparent investigation into the recent murders of eight female journalists around the world recently. This is the reason, GE joins other international organizations that also demand an end to the impunity in which these murders remain.
“GE is a network committed to defending the human rights and freedoms of people and of journalism and communication professionals, especially those of expression and the press.” – says the Declaration that this Network has published. It asks the governments of the countries where these crimes have occurred – Palestine, Mexico, Chile, Ukraine and Afghanistan – to go to the bottom and punish the murderers.
Each crime of a journalist has a very important value for GE and is harshly denounced. But the story of Palestinian-born journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was probably killed by bullets from Israeli soldiers while she was covering a story in the occupied city of Jenin for Al Jazeera, has caused a global uproar. The images of the funeral of the Palestinian journalist went around the world when several Israeli police officers used batons to stop the tears of those who were crying inconsolably for her death and that almost made the coffin fall to the ground.
In Mexico, Yesenia Mollinedo Falconi and Sheila Johana Garcia Olivera were murdered in the municipality of Cosoleacaque, in the state of Veracruz. Yesenia was director of the portal “El Veraz” and the police had asked them not to cover police news.
In Chile, a journalist, Francisca Sandoval, was shot while she was covering the First May Day demonstration for the local media outlet Canal Señal 3 Victoria. She then received a bullet in the face, she was very badly injured and she died in the head a few days later. Also in Ukraine, a Radio Liberty journalist, Vera Girich, died trapped in the ruins of a shell that destroyed her house.
Likewise, three workers from the Afghan television network EnikassTV lost their lives. Mursal Habibi was the first to be killed, after Sadia Sadat, with Shanaz Roafi. These three journalists were killed in the context of a campaign of targeted killings by the Taliban against media professionals and activists to scare civil society.
GE, which works for gender equality in and in the media, demands that this series of murders end and that the facts not go unpunished.
Here you can read the Declaration