Tuesday 04 February 2025

Tuesday 04 February 2025



GAMAG demands to clarify the femicide of María del Sol Cruz Jarquín on its 4th anniversary


At the proposal of GAMAG Europe, it supports the Mexican journalist Soledad Jarquín Edgar, who has claimed in the European continent the justice that is denied to her in Mexico


The Global Alliance On Media And Gender (GAMAG), at the proposal of its Regional Chapter GAMAG EUROPE, supports the Mexican journalist Soledad Jarquín Edgar who has demanded justice in Europe, which is denied to her in Mexico, to shed light on the femicide of her daughter, photojournalist Maria del Sol.

Jarquín was accompanied, in an event at the Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya(CPC), in Barcelona, by more than twenty colleagues. A majority of the Xarxa Internacional de Periodistes I Comunicadores de Catalunya- Xarxa Internacional de Periodistes amb Visió de Gènere (XIDPIC.CAT-XIPVG), who is the editor of La Independent, and which are also part of GAMAG EUROPA. They where there together with colleagues from “Furia Mexicana”, Mexican activists living in the Catalan capital, Món Comunicació (AMC) and Ca la Dona. Then his journey continued and ended in Madrid before returning to Mexico.

This case has already been presented to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the United Nations Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, CEDAW, in Geneva. This Committee is a body of independent experts that monitors the implementation of the Convention.

“Justice for Sol”

Winner of the National Award for Journalism in Mexico 2006 and human rights defender, Soledad Jarquín Edgar denounces the corruption that protects impunity in the face of so many femicides of women and journalists in Mexico. In Europe, she has toured various capitals to present the “Justice for Sol” campaign, which she carries out together with the civil society organization Consorcio Oaxaca, to the United Nations, the European Parliament and authorities from various countries.


    Soledad Jarquín Edgar

Four years have passed since the femicide of her daughter, María del Sol Cruz Jarquín, which occurred in Juchitán de Zaragoza, Oaxaca, Mexico, on June 2, 2018 and to this day, still remains unpunished.

The photojournalist was 27 years old and, at that time, was head of the Department of Intercultural Indigenous Communication of the Secretariat of Indigenous Affairs of the government of the State of Oaxaca. Due to her responsibility as a public official, she was not involved in any political campaign. However, she was sent by Francisco Montero, her boss, to support the political campaign of his brother who wanted to be municipal president of Juchitán de Zaragoza. There she was assassinated, along with Pamela Terán, a candidate for the municipal union and licensed councillor at the time, as well as Aldelfo Guerra Jiménez, the candidate’s driver.

Since then, Soledad Jarquín, like other mothers whose daughters have been victims of femicide, has been fighting against impunity, for access to justice and for the integral reparation of damage. 

Soledad Jarquin

Soledad Jarquin Edgar essent entrevistada

For Soledad Jarquín, those responsable in the case are, on the one hand, the specific intellectual and material perpretrators of the events; and on the other, the Oaxaca prosecutor’s office, State and Federal political authorities. For this reason, she has denounced the corruption and abuse of power of the former state Attorney of Oaxaca, Rubén Vasconcelos Méndez, whose actions supported and protected impunity in the case. At the political level, she implicates the governor of Oaxaca, Alejandro Murat Hinojosa, which is where the case comes up, and the current president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, as well as other federal officials who neglected the case.

So far this year, 13 journalists have already been murdered in Mexico, three of whom are women. GAMAG and its European regional chapter (GE) support the fight of the Mexican journalist, Soledad Jarquín Edgar against impunity in the murder of women and journalists.


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Picture of Teresa Carreras

Teresa Carreras

Periodista, activista i feminista. Secretaria de la XIDPIC.CAT-XIPVG. Coordinadora de GAMAG Europa, expresidenta APEC. Corresponsal setmanari El SIGLO, Ha treballat a RTVE.

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