Wednesday 17 July 2024

Wednesday 17 July 2024


Greece: GAMAG EUROPE (GE) protest at the arrests of Greek feminists in Athens / La Independent / Notícies gènere

Greek feminists are preparing a protest against the arrests that took place during the demonstrations on 25N, the international day against sexist violence, which were convened in Syntagma Square, Athens                                                                                                                                                                                             

Grecia 1

GAMAG EUROPE (GE)* protests to the Greek government for the arrest of 14 women in November 25, with the pretext that all meetings are illegal, due to the Covid-19 measures. The meeting was not massive, and all measures anti covid were observed by the women.

And yet 14 women were taken to the police stations, kept for 5 hours and 11 of them were charged for illegal meeting. The trial will take place in a few months. Among the charged is one solidarian man. Also, they imposed a fine of 300 euro to each, for the so called “unnecessary movement”.

GAMAG EUROPE demands the annulation of the fines and of the charges. Such authoritarian behaviours are another kind of violence against women, in the very day of 25 November, International Day against gender violence.





*GAMAG EUROPE is a regional Chapter of the Global Alliance for Media and Gender, a global movement dedicated to promote gender equality in and through media.

See original text in Greek

Facebook: @GAMAGEurope
Twiter: @europe_gamag 



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Picture of Teresa Carreras

Teresa Carreras

Periodista, activista i feminista. Secretaria de la XIDPIC.CAT-XIPVG. Coordinadora de GAMAG Europa, expresidenta APEC. Corresponsal setmanari El SIGLO, Ha treballat a RTVE.

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