lunes 09 diciembre 2024

lunes 09 diciembre 2024


NGO CSW/NY November Monthly Meeting

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November Monthly Meeting on COVID-19 and ending violence against women. The event highlighted the situation of violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic and domestic violence. View the program with more information and speakers’ bios.

If you missed it, you can watch the recording on Youtube now. Download the chat here.

Relevant resources shared during meeting:

Violence Against Women in Politics Expert paper prepared by: Dr. Dubravka Šimonovi?, UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences
Information on the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, with links to her statements and articles
ILO Convention 189: Domestic Workers Convention, 2011
Domestic Abuse and COVID-19: How Churches Can Respond (Available in Arabic, English, French, Kiswahili, Spanish and Portuguese)
CEDAW General Recommendations
ATOP MeaningfulWorld weekly support groups
Addressing the Increase of Domestic Violence and Abuse During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Need for Empathy, Care, and Social Equity in Collaborative Planning and Responses


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Picture of Tona Gusi

Tona Gusi

Fundadora i Co-coordinadora de La Independent. També és psicòloga menció en Psicologia d'Intervenció Clínica i menció en Psicologia del Treball i les Organitzacions.

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