martes 15 octubre 2024

martes 15 octubre 2024


CONCLUSIONS MEETING MEDITERRANEA Network 14 and April 15, 2016 in Barcelona


Communicators of the Mediterranean Network of Information and Communication with Gender Vision: denunciation of violence and empowerment of Women’s Rights


1. Violence against women at risk: refugees in the Middle East
2. Legal and social Coverage of women at 5 years of the riots in Arab Countries
3. Common topics and specific issues: Progress and setbacks of journalism with a gender perspective and the situation of journalists and communicators

In that space there were women from Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Morocco and from the Spanish State: Andalucía, the Basque Country and especially from Catalonia, not to mention Algeria, through communication, read by one of the companions.

The contributions and discussions focused in part on violence and the plight of women refugees and the status of women in different Mediterranean areas since, legal, labor … social perspective and its image in the media. Also on the revolutions that have occurred in the southern and eastern Mediterranean and its results. Took stock of the positive and the negative and the Meeting of the Mediterranean finalized through reflection and work proposals summarized in the following recommendations.

We recommend,

• Talk about Equality and Equity
• Promote dialogue spaces for women and among women
• Create awareness programs for managers of media
• Create a code of ethics and a code of image
• Organizing training courses on various codes, easy to read, for example, triptychs in the books of each country style
• Proportionality of women and men in the media
• Create a list of women journalists from various countries of southern and eastern Mediterranean, specialists in particular subjects.
• Create an alert against malpractices
• What associations are involved locally with the government and the media
• Working in local media to disseminate issues that are of interest to women
• Increase the number of women journalists and give them higher rank and editorial positions in the media
• Stop the representation of women to stereotypes of family, marital status and care of children
• Increase awareness of political parties and civil society activists using the image of women as political marketing tool and encourage them to ensure that women are the main beneficiaries of political public space
• To train journalists on how to report on women and issues that affects them during election campaigns
• Give more space and time in the media to women as participants, experts, political and civil society actors
• Develop the production and transmission of knowledge, equality, equity, women and gender
• Create opportunities for monitoring the evolution of the agreements of the States of the Union for the Mediterranean on equality at the local level and civil society
• To strengthen the visibility of women in the media, both written and audiovisual
• Enhance networking among women and mainstreaming for solidarity among women
• Having a presence on the drafting committees that regulate the professional aspects of the media, the rights and duties of the journalists and their relationship to the deontological codes
• Increase union participation of women and the co-direction in trade union organizations, committees, editorial boards of our workplaces
• Create an annual award recognizes women journalists and communicators with Vision of Gender

We appreciate the participation of

Amina Ibnou-cheikh, Abir Fekih, Amada Santos, Intissar Rachdi, Rawan Al Bash, Randa Achmawi, Nariman Chamaa, Dionysia Vovou, Olfa Belhassine, Gisella Evangelisti, Maria-Àngels Roque, Montserrat Minobis, Leonor Sedó, Leire Seitua, Diva Criado, Montserrat García Sosa, Emilie Vidal, Teresa Velázquez, Alicia Oliver, Pilar Remirez y Lola Fernández Palenzuela.

Organized by

Tona Gusi
Lídia Vilalta
Salwua El Gharbi

With the support and spaces of IEMed (European Institute of the Mediterranean)


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Picture of Tona Gusi

Tona Gusi

Fundadora i Co-coordinadora de La Independent. També és psicòloga menció en Psicologia d'Intervenció Clínica i menció en Psicologia del Treball i les Organitzacions.

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